At Faccia, where aesthetic and regenerative medicine meet, our focus is on the science of aging.

The science of aging is complex. It involves every layer: our bone, muscle, fat, fascia, and skin. Then, each of those layers have layers of their own. By focusing on regenerative medicine in our techniques, we are able to give natural results that stand the test of time. This way you still look like you, but better.

Consultations are required for all first-time clients for this holistic approach. In your consultation, our experienced provider will asses each layer of the face for full facial balancing.

Injectable Products


Neurotoxins, of many brands, are used to treat wrinkles and/ or muscle tension by limiting muscle movements. We pay close attention to which muscles pull up and which muscles pull down throughout the face in order to create symmetry and a slow the signs of aging over time. While we value Neurotoxins individually, a well-rounded approach for a rejuventated amd natural outcome will likely include many products on this page.

PRF and EZ Gel

Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) is a product within your own blood. It has healing and regenerative properties. EZ Gel is a !00% natural product, made from your PRP, that utilizes the body’s natural proteins and growth factors to improve skin tone and texture while treating deep tear troughs, lines and wrinkles, volume loss, and more. Many times this is the most appropriate “first approach” before starting dermal fillers. When combined with other products on this page, it gives a seamless result.

Faccia Full Facial Balancing

By taking into account the integrity of each layer of your face’s physiology: bone, muscle, fat, fascia, and skin, a multi-modal approach using many of the above techniques is employed. This is a long-term anti-aging plan and consists of 4 sessions over the course of one year with an anuual touch-up to update each layer as our aging progesses over time. Our approach sets us apart from the practices where you can go in just for lips or cheeks. It is our personal belief that getting these unbalanced treatments, over time (and sometimes quite quickly), gives an unnatural or over-filled result that we have all seen in media the past several years. It is our focus to correct the aesthetic trajectory by keeping thr whole picture and long-term in mind.

Dermal Filler

Different types of filler with different properties are usually used to add volume to different areas. As we age, we naturally lose volume. Dermal fillers are great for recreating this volume and/ or giving structure and balance to the facial contours. While we value dermal filler individually, a well-rounded approach for a rejuventated amd natural outcome will likely include many products on this page.


Biostimulators offer a sophisticated approach to anti-aging, helping you to achieve a refreshed and youthful appearance by harnessing the power of your body’s own rejuvenating processes. It’s like giving your skin the blueprint to rebuild itself, leading to natural, beautiful results that last. Since these injectables work by stimulating your body's own collagen and fat production, the results are incredibly natural-looking.